The Fleur collection inspired from the thought of people that always compare the beauty with flower. The originate of beauty is what I would like the packaging to express. By using the curvy rising line on the package and insert the flower at the end to tell that those flowers grows on the BSC cosmetic. The Fleur collection recieved the Second prize from BSC Cosmetic packaging contest. It's also the work from the BSC Cosmetic workshop with the corporation from other 3 students from 3 university.
          First of all, I’d like to say thank you for Ajaarn Gob and my friends that give me some advices to make a blog and tell me how to go this job.

         Until now, I think I can do it, I’m glad to going it on my own then, I can tell and teach how to play this program as well.

         For my brand, I think I love this brand ‘coz me myself also use the cosmetics of this brand!!!
          The last one, I’ve the cute teacher and friends, I’m so happy…………..

2 ความคิดเห็น:

  1. Dear my beloved brand managers,

    First of all, let me congrat you on the success of making the blog mission POSSIBLE and the BEST ! You’re now titled ‘the professional blog desinger’

    At the very outset of the project, I clearly saw your fear, worry, concern, complaint, etc regarding the blog design—the brand new experience you haven’t explored yet before.

    Gradually and surprisingly, I’ve heard, touched, witnessed your bigger step to move out of your COMFORT zone and advanced yourself to discover your hidden talent related to creativity.

    It’s my great joy to see how you’ve attempted to make things UNBELIEABLE as a BRAND NEW MANAGER of the brand you chose.

    What’s a brave, exciting, challenging STEP!

    And most significantly, at the end of the project, I’m more than delighted to learn how you’ve dealt with your FEAR.

    This is the greatest REWARD you ALL give me in this course through this project.

    I wish you a very bright and successful future. Lastly, I would like you ALL to please remember NOTHING is impossible (credited to Addidas) if you put your heart into it.

    Good luck to all of you and thanks again for making the impossible mission possible.

    Boss G: )

    Ps. Please keep your blog active and develop it for your own use.
